An active sexual life brings physical and moral satisfaction, increases self-esteem, good for health, so to the questions the potency of the male part of the population concerns very seriously. One of the most common queries on the internet is search for information and answer the questions: how to increase potency in men folk remedies, and what are the ways to improve erection in home conditions.
Pharmacy network and shops intimate goods choice offers a variety of development of the pharmaceutical industry, in particular, whose main purpose is to improve the sex and potency in men. Different websites full of advertisements miracle remedies with questionable ingredients, which promise a valiant prowess plus solid erection to old age.

Obtained and tested for centuries experience of their ancestors gives the opportunity to experience your own recipes, increase the sexual function of the field of folk medicine. Get your bearings in a wide range of different methods and resources is easy, but this article will help men to organize the basic information that will increase the quality of sex a simple and affordable folk ways.
The reasons for the reduced potency
According to surveys, the disorder of erectile function psychogenic nature in Russia suffer from the order of 75% of the men aged 23 years. These species reduce the quality of sexual life due to lack of erection that are not caused by the presence of serious pathologies that require the intervention of a doctor. Knowledge and timely removal of the reasons for the decline of male potency is the most reliable way to avoid the hassles associated with sex.
External causes
The amount of stress, fatigue, poor diet, bad habits, sedentary lifestyle, overweight, compulsive android fear to be unsustainable lover, have a considerable influence on the potency.
Early identification of negative impacts and their elimination will help to enhance the potency and increase the quality of private life. Proofread the adverse influence of the external causes can be folk remedies, without resorting to the help from an expert and do not abuse drugs.
The individual functions
For the majority of the representatives of the strong half of mankind important point is the satisfaction of sex partner. There are rare cases, when the potency in men is all in order, erection comes in time, but the duration of sexual intercourse is too short for it, make the woman reached orgasm. In this case, we can recommend ways aimed at increasing endurance, as well as use drugs, extending the time of lovemaking.
Simple methods to increase the potency
Described below causes of easily accessible correction of the folk ways and allow you to understand how to increase potency in men in domestic conditions.
Removal of external causes
The benefits of a healthy lifestyle in the case of disturbances in the sexual sphere in men is of paramount importance. Most of the methods and folk tips are related to questions of proper diet, refusal of bad habits, but also on the need for physical exertion. Adhering to these simple recommendations will increase the potency, without resorting in such a sensitive issue on the help of an expert, using the available resources.
Foods can provide substantial assistance and increase male power in a natural way. From what products form the basis of the diet, is directly affected by the ability to lead a full-fledged sexual intercourse, the brightness of the feelings, the quality of male semen.
What must necessarily be on the table men who want to increase the level of your sexual energy?
- The fish and seafood. The content in these products useful amino acids and trace elements, increasing production of the main male hormone testosterone, is their indispensable component of the diet for those who want to increase the potency. It is useful especially marine fish and shellfish.
- Med. This natural product contains useful substances, increasing stamina and negative quality of sperm. It is part of many folk recipes to improve erectile function. Some varieties of honey enriched with the other components of beekeeping. The contents of the pollen or royal jelly is able to transform this affordable drug is a drug for impotence.
- Nuts. The essential oils contained in them, are considered to be a recognized aphrodisiac, and therefore can significantly increase the potency. Nuts, stuffed with honey, well-known folk vehicle with useful properties. The components of this composition are capable of in the shortest possible time to increase sexual arousal, and as a bonus, to provide enough energy for the long love of pleasure. Such a mixture, as a way to increase the potency, widely used since ancient times.
- Meat. Protein, which is contained in meat products, it is not possible to substitute a different food. Essential amino acids are necessary for the proper functioning of the sexual system and ensure the maintenance of hormones at the desired level. Folk wisdom also advises often eat meat products, to be able to boast of a strong male health.
- The vegetables and fruit. They need more vitamins and beneficial trace elements, which increase the sperm production, increases its quality. Onions, tomatoes, turnips – very useful for men's health. Among the fruits, the recognized leaders on the increase in sexual activity palma championship belongs to the citrus. Enrich your diet on vegetables in sufficient quantities, to eat the fruit it is possible to strengthen sexual potential.
- Eggs. This affordable product allows you to get a useful protein, and moderate consumption prevents accumulation of bad cholesterol. The circulatory system provides the body with blood and oxygen, including the main male dignity.
- The herbs and spices. Not in vain the caucasian tribe are famous for their temperament. By eating a large number of natural and dried greenery, which increase the body's levels of testosterone. In addition, the antioxidants contained in green plants, are able to prolong youth, improve the processes of updating of cells.
Inclusion in the daily diet foods from the list, will help you avoid the problems associated with potency, boost attraction and will help you fix the man full sex life. In addition, most of the components is proper nutrition becomes a good prevention of overweight, which negatively affects the libido and quality of sex.
Active accessories

Accepted folk remedies that may increase potency, are tincture of ginseng and Eleutherococcus. The hood of these unique plants are able to prolong youth and sexual longevity to a ripe old age. Simple folk recipes, which include these tools do not require a large time and financial costs in their preparation, and so to increase potency with their help, any man can.
Let yourself be carried away without a special need medicines that you can buy at the pharmacy, it's not worth it.
The desire of men to increase potency using chemical additives, may face unpleasant consequences. Part of them are addictive, most drugs that have limitations and contraindications to their use, and some funds are just a cheap publicity stunt, it has no effect on the potency.
In the case of special needs, recommendations about what pills you can use, it will be only a qualified doctor. Solution of problems related to pathological processes can be trusted, simple folk methods.
Good potency is directly related with physical activity. Increases blood flow to the organs of small pelvis, it is possible to avoid stagnation and prevent the development of dangerous diseases of the genitourinary system. Training the muscles a good effect on the stamina, which are needed for long sexual intercourse.
Special complexes of exercises for men with regular their implementation are an effective method of struggle with premature ejaculation. Bonus with regular exercise will become toned body, which in itself is attractive to ladies.
It is useful to learn the Kegel exercises. The conscious control of the muscles, allow you to regulate the level of erection and will enhance the feeling during copulation, and in general help to increase the potency. The benefits of these exercises, is the possibility of their fulfillment in every place, unobtrusive strain intimate muscles no one will see.
How to get rid of bad habits
Obsession with alcohol and nicotine leads to blockage of blood vessels, lowers the tone and increases the risk of developing erectile dysfunction. The effectiveness of heavy smokers to be in danger, and in cigarettes resin and heavy chemical elements capable of causing serious disorders of sexual function.
Blame the narrowing of the blood vessels, including the breeding ground of the penis, which leads to the fulfillment of the blood occurs very slowly and in insufficient for a strong erection scale. To increase potency, continue to abuse the bad habits is very difficult.
How to cope with stress
Difficulties occur in every person, must learn to manage, not to let the stress factors to the disorder in sexual life. Various techniques of relaxation, breathing, auditory training, relaxation can reduce the harmful impact of psychogenic load on the body and to increase potency.
Is it possible, men need to avoid conflicts, spend more time in nature, surround yourself with positive-minded people.
A good people's means of the rapid decline in stress levels, as well as training for the blood vessels is a contrast shower. Alternating currents of cold and hot water soothes the nerves and tones the body. Already the ancient greeks noticed, "in a healthy body – healthy spirit".
The adjustment of the individual functions
As for the correction of the reasons, which relate to the properties of the organism and is linked with the quality of the erection or its retention, then the assistance can provide the resources for local use. Widespread between men got ointments, gels, sprays, drops to increase the flow of blood to the penis by.
You can choose the composition deepens the dimensions of the male dignity, which has a cooling effect, or with the flavor additives.
The use of such funds is a good alternative pill Viagra or other popular drug. the Improvement in minutes of erection devices are safe, do not cause addictive, can be used a man in the right place and it works very quickly. A complex effect on the organism, these funds are not favourable, which allows you to easily control the power if necessary.

To the field of folk remedies to enhance potency can be attributed to the selection positions in which the erection of the keep easier. The selection of poses, which can be a greater influx of blood to the penis that you can without problems modify the duration of the event. For example, the selection position, "the man upstairs" significantly increases the the circulation of blood, and as a bonus allows you to get more pleasure from the contemplation of the partner.
Adhering to these simple tips and the use of folk methods in home conditions will allow in the coming years, look forward to a pleasant process effortlessly, providing the ability to increase the male potential without chemistry.